
supported by the Nuffield Foundation

Seminar Series > Seminar 5

Developing and deepening mathematical knowledge in teaching

18th March 2008

Start: 10:30 for 11:00 Close: 17:00

Venue: Schofield Building, Loughborough University - Room A.0.39, Mathematics Learning Support Centre

Venue and Campus Map:

If you are coming by car, please take extra care when parking, as spaces are very limited. Please note that parking on any university road is unauthorised. The nearest car parks to the Schofield building are 18 and 19. There are no parking permits.

Programme and Focus Points

Paper 1: Anne Watson: Developing and deepening mathematical knowledge in teaching: being and knowing.

Paper 2: Fay Turner and Tim Rowland: The Knowledge Quartet: a means of developing and deepening mathematical knowledge in teaching.

Paper 3: Birgit Pepin and Linda Haggarty: Making connections and seeking understanding: Mathematical tasks in English, French and German textbooks.
(Related French Textbook Pages)

Discussion Group 1: Summary.

Discussion Group 2: Summary.

Discussion Group 3: Summary.


© 2008 Tim Rowland